Flexibility and Change

If it wasn’t for problems, we wouldn’t need effective managers.  Companies would be on automatic pilot.  As this is rarely the case the best managers have unique qualities.  They know themselves well.  They know their own strength, weakness, and talent.  By applying their talent to changing situations their staff and company derives great benefit.  Above all else talented managers recognize the need to be flexible under changing circumstances.  They develop creative solutions for common business problems.  

Demonstrating flexibility and creative solutions is a great example for your staff.  Taking the time to consider alternatives, to think outside the box and implement solutions that break through bureaucracy has positive short term and long-term effects.  

The key is flexibility.  Flexibility is a skill.  Good leaders have it.  They weigh the plus and minus of any situation including the risk associated with their actions but most of all they recognize when a situation has changed.  They adapt to changes rapidly and effectively.  

Rate yourself.  How flexible are you as a manager?  Do you recognize change when it happens and move efficiently through it or do you continue down the same old path regretting what “should have been or might have been”.