
Opportunity.  Does it wait?  Probably not.  Good leaders know that they must seize the moment.  Good leaders can recognize the opportunity.  Good leaders don’t wait!

Leadership has many definitions but the one that I like best is “Leadership is influencing people by providing purpose, motivation and direction while operating to accomplish the mission of the organization.”  So how does recognizing opportunity support this definition?  

Leaders are faced with problems and adversity.  The ability to “sort through” the problems, prioritize them and take action based on seriousness and urgency to act is not a natural talent.  Evaluating a situation and condensing it to “what do I need to do now” and “what can wait” is a challenge leaders routinely face.  A core talent of good leaders is Leading with Confidence in Adverse Situations.  To master this talent, you must develop these qualities:

  • Have presence.  

Be out in front.  Organize the essential staff necessary to address the problem.  Organize the facts.  Understand the urgency.  Take firm control of next steps.  Take control of the communication.  The confidence you demonstrate to your staff and your organization can permeate the organization.  Keep a short timetable on next steps.  

  • Display self-control

Composure is important.  Maintain a positive attitude.  Don’t let problems become a distraction for your organization.  You can control the water cooler gossip.

  • Remain decisive

You will likely uncover more data and more setbacks.  After discovering a mistake.  Acknowledge it and move on.  Focus on positive accomplishments.  

  • Act with the information at hand

Everyone wants more data.  Data becomes security.  You will likely have less than you want ..... or need.  Build upon what you have.  Consider a problem prevention exercise that outlines action based several unknowns.  Keep moving forward.  Don’t wait.

  • Avoid discouragement

Setbacks will occur.  If you show discouragement, you send a strong negative message to your team.  Apollo 13 made it back from the moon with duct tape.  Discouragement doesn’t get it down.  Hard work gets it done.

  • Motivate and Encourage

Monitor your team.  Different strokes for different folks.  Understand what they need during this time and give it to them.  Adversity and problem solving can be personal.  Address the needs of your team.  

“Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem.  The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity” (Joseph Sugarman)

Create your success story.